Welcome to Huseby Talk
September 2023 Newsletter Edition
What's New in Technology
Based on feedback from all our teams and from lessons we learned in earlier roll-outs, we decided in August that we would give ourselves a bit more preparation time for adding our teams from Realtime, Prose, and DEG to Salesforce. The revised schedule for Realtime and Prose was changed to a go-live of September 21st; for DEG the schedule was changed to October 5th. Those teams continue to train and prepare for their conversion, and many members from the legacy Huseby teams who are already in production on Salesforce continue to help the new teams get ready. As part of the prep for the Salesforce cutover, our finance team got the financials for Realtime and Prose set up in NetSuite.
In addition to getting ready for the new teams, we continued to roll out fixes and priority enhancements identified by the teams. We got our first iteration of the reporter portal in full production and continue to make significant progress on improving it based on feedback from our teams and from reporters. We implemented “Line of Business” functionality in Salesforce to support bringing on Realtime, Prose, and DEG, and we began development on automatic invoice pushes from Salesforce to NetSuite to make invoices post immediately.
We deployed several updates to HusebyConnect that strengthened its security and allowed us to pass a third party security company’s penetration test with flying colors. We added features for uploading additional file types and continue to work on significant new features for Realtime and Voice-to-Text planned to come out over the next month—stay tuned for exciting news on those features that will continue to add value to HusebyConnect for our customers!
What's New in Operations
This month (September) we have shipped over 1300 Jobs through the Salesforce system.
Elizabeth Moore is leading all production people with 210+ jobs shipped through Salesforce registering jobs from 4 different LATs. Thanks for leading the way Elizabeth!!!!
A little insight into the Salesforce improvement process for everyone.
In September we identified 39 issues. Some critical most not. 9 of those items have already been resolved and tested. Currently we have a list of 343 issues that are on the list waiting on resolution.
LAT updates
Northeast LAT is doing a great job of communicating late reporter issues and working to limit them. Great job working together to better service our clients especially while your support person Donna is out!
Support is getting working through about 340 emails per day. Now with salesforce we are able to identify the areas of the country that are in most need of support.

We had to team members go out this month for serious surgery, Donna McCloud and Tameka Sawyer. Keep them in your prayers as they are both at home recovering.

What's New in Sales
CAALA Hosted Dinner
Below is a picture provided by the managing partner’s team at Greene Broillet & Wheeler, Scott Carr. Scott Carr has been an integral champion to introducing Cindy to everyone at CAALA and encouraging them to use us through his personal and firm praises.
It was a successful Annual Conference as one of our most prominent associations!

Top Performing Sales Reps
Here are the top performing reps across the country for August.
Sales Rep | % of Goal |
Megan Eissler | 207% |
Jared Chrisman |
189% |
Lauren Ladenheim |
176% |
Johnny Bateman | 149% |
Rob Nealey | 135% |
Lauren Shaw | 133% |
Mark Poelzer |
131% |
Diana Hayhurst | 118% |
Meg Linton | 118% |
Jessica Hutto |
110% |
$200k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $200k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Lauren Ladenheim |
$208,697 |
$100k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $100k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Jessica Hutto | $188,953 |
Lauren Shaw | $157,496 |
Johnny Bateman (BME) |
$144,432 |
Rob Nealey (BME) |
$130,955 |
Cindy Lengkong |
$116,068 |

What's New in HR/Admin
Welcome our new team members to Huseby!
Jazzmine Dinkins (Credit)
Baylee Donnell (Scheduling)
Dimearia Eudell (Production)
Erica Gimbel (Scheduling)
Courtney Hill (Scheduling)
Cynthia Watkins (Scheduling)
Jorden Wilhelm (Scheduling)
Below are team members no longer with Huseby. We wish them the best in their new endeavors.
Jeff Barefoot (CFO)
Wendy Barreau (Digital)
Breana Frazier (Digital)
James Gabriel (Scheduling)
Liza Penner (Sales)
Laura Walker (Scheduling)
What's New in Scheduling and LATs
From Kyle...
Big welcome to our two new Calendar folks on the West, Vicky Ramey and Courtney Hill!
They have been doing an amazing job! Starting very strong and getting their feet underneath them! The training has been awesome and couldn’t be more grateful for the Team Leads across the Nation.
On the West, Alex Gomez has done a fantastic job getting them going as well as many other newbies! 😊
New Calendar Team Lead with Erica Gimbel. She comes to us with 16 years’ Experience and thrilled to have her here with us! She has done a great job at learning the market and how we do things!
Sales folks have started to really pick up! We are seeing solid growth in the market!
The calendar team with Candace and Janelle are really picking up the reporter relationships and couldn’t be more grateful!

What's New in Digital/Remote Depositions
Key Takeaways:
1) Successfully covered 1,300 Digital jobs since this time last year
2) Both reporters in Georgia have completed licensure and are ready to begin taking work
3) All current Digital Reporters are AAERT certified
Exciting Projects on the Horizon:
1) Expansion into TN, IL, and NY
2) Department bootcamp in Charlotte to finalize merger & cross-training
3) Implementation of Digital Reporter trial solution
4) Implementation of free Rough Draft solution for DR jobs
Shout Out's:
Delina Nguyen- There is no job too big or too small for Delina. Delina always delivers at an exceptional level no matter the task that is thrown her way. Thanks for everything that you do!
What Are Clients Saying?
Great Social Media Shout-Out!
Great to see the social media shout-out from the St. Pete Bar Association. Hopefully this endorsement has Lynette's phone ringing off the hook!

Lynette Reynolds put in a Kudos for Emily Chapman
I wanted to give Emily Chapman a huge shout out. She is always so quick to respond to my requests for Zoom links or other assistance for my clients. She has a pleasant, can-do attitude, even in stressful situations - which is very much appreciated!
Lauren Ladenheim put in a Kudos for Jack McKenzie
I just want to SHOUT kudos for Jack. He always goes above and beyond for my clients, and I even have clients fighting over him and which depos he is going to cover. He is so professional and is such an asset to our company. Thank you, Jack ! You are awesome!
Dave Wiseman put in a Kudos for Jennifer Ruszala and the DEG Team
Kudos to Jennifer and the entire team working tirelessly after hours getting a last minute deposition covered.
From: Yovits, Steven
Subject: RE: 15233 Date: 9/13/2023 Deposition Confirmation
Jennifer, your work (and Dave’s work) on this at the last minute just goes to show that you’re in the trenches with us, and that’s immensely valuable.
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Scott Klein put in a Kudos for Lauren Ladenheim
Great job Lauren being so responsive to the client's expedite request.
From: Meyer, Tiffany
Subject: RE: Request for Transcript Estimates for Huseby Job #s: 366550 and 364335
Thank you, Lauren! BTW, the Legal Assistants RAVED about you and clearly they were right! Thak you so much for your help on this.
Tiffany Meyer
Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP