Welcome to Huseby Talk
October 2023 Newsletter Edition
What's New in Technology
We continue to move down the bumpy road…but the good news is that we are smoothing out some of the bumps. All the Huseby legacy LATs, Prose, and Realtime are in production on Salesforce. Thanks to those teams and to all the folks who have been working with Realtime and Prose to help them get up to speed. We also made the decision to reschedule DEG’s cutover until early January based on a number of business factors and we’ll work with them to make that transition as smooth as possible. Quite a few high-priority updates have been pushed into production to address issues with the system, improve efficiency, and enhance the reporter portal. We’re going to keep moving forward with that—please know that we hear your input and are addressing the highest-impact items first!
A new version was released to production that includes enhanced administration features for our team to use, upgrades to our infrastructure and security, and the ability for clients to upload non-PDF files. We’re continuing to work on getting our new realtime transcript feature into production in October and have initiatives in place to significantly increase the use of HusebyConnect for the majority of our remote jobs.
The IT team replaced old hardware for a number of teammates in September, and we’re continuing to get new gear out to folks with old equipment. We have a list of everyone’s equipment and when it was first issued, and we’re working through that list focusing on the oldest gear first.
What's New in Operations
This month (October) we have shipped over 1700 Jobs through the Salesforce system. That includes 275 Expedites. Great job 2nd shift making sure these get to the clients quickly.
Elizabeth Moore is leading all production people with 174 jobs shipped through Salesforce. Thanks for leading the way Elizabeth!!!!
In October we identified 42 issues (In Production - I'm not sure how many were identified in other areas). Some critical most not. 6 of those items have already been resolved and tested. Currently we have a list of 211 issues in production that are on the list waiting on resolution.
Big news this month. We had an Operations Summit and brought in the key leaders in production, support, video and case management. We spent two days reviewing our internal struggles and found solutions to solve what we can.
Of key note to you.
- We identified some firm standing orders that cause slowdowns and that are no longer relevant due to software updates. We have cleaned those up to remove future confusion
- We identified some phone routing that delayed clients from getting the support they needed, and made plans to get that corrected.
- We will not keep jobs in production waiting on client for more than 5 days.
- There will be lots more conversations during the LAT calls about reporters who have multiple late jobs, and that are later than 7 days on turn in.
- Production has created a 22 point check list every order must go through before shipping to clients. Quality matters!
- Accountability standards are being better defined and consequences are being documented and enforced at higher level than ever before.
- We came up with some Huseby best practices on sending Emails. Hope everyone read it in the Newsletter????

What's New in Sales
Gaige & Feliccitti Joins Huseby Team!
Welcome to the Huseby Family!
We are excited to welcome Gaige & Feliccitti to the Huseby team. Based in Portland, Maine, G&F services Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Please extend a warm welcome to the G&F team!

More about the founders:
Beth Gaige
Beth Gaige of Gaige & Feliccitti, LLC, has been a freelance court reporter since 1991 after completing her studies at Husson University.She worked for five years at a freelance agency before forming Gaige Reporting in 1996. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Maine Court Reporters Association and is their president. Beth is a member of NCRA, the National Court Reporters Association and in 2006 achieved the designation of Registered Professional Reporter
Michelle Feliccitti
Michelle Feliccitti earned her Bachelor of Science in Court and Conference Reporting in 1996 from Husson University. She has worked for the past 18 years as a freelance reporter in the State of Maine. Her experience has been in depositions, but she has also covered Federal Court trials, mediations, and public hearings. She takes pride in her transcripts and strives for excellence.
Top Performing Sales Reps
Here are the top performing reps across the country for September.
Sales Rep | % of Goal |
Lauren Shaw | 221% |
Lauren Ladenheim |
203% |
Mark Poelzer |
185% |
Julie Long | 132% |
Diana Hayhurst | 130% |
Karyn Polak | 128% |
Anastacia Carroll |
109% |
Mauricio Haro | 107% |
Rob Nealey | 104% |
Jessica Hutto |
98% |
Megan Eissler |
98% |
$200k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $200k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Lauren Shaw |
$244,164 |
Lauren Ladenheim |
$224,356 |
$100k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $100k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Jessica Hutto | $158,231 |
Anastacia Carroll | $120,654 |

What's New in HR/Admin
Welcome our new team members to Huseby!
Libby Aguilera Marti (Production)
Anthanetta Muhammad (Credit)
Madison Bean (Production)
Victoria Ramey (Scheduling)
Phoebe Arnold (G&F)
Beth Gaige (G&F)
Below are team members no longer with Huseby. We wish them the best in their new endeavors.
Erica Harris (Sales)
Kristian Hilbert (Scheduling)
Jorden Wilhelm (Scheduling)
What’s New in Accounting/Finance/Billing
As the year comes to a close and we sprint to the finish line, a major obstacle in front of us as we make a big push to achieving our goals is an increasing billing backlog. A plan was implanted on Tuesday 10/23 in which 6 of the 9 billers were tasked with focusing 100% of their time on billing. To help those billers focus entirely on invoicing, the other 3 Billing Team members as well the Marketing Team were tasked with supporting both internal and external inquiries the billing team usually addresses. Many of those inquiries are reporters and videographers with questions about pay, as well as clients with questions about invoices. All client questions will be directed to the Sales Team to assist.
The goal is not only to get the backlog down to zero by the end of the year but also maintain the high level of customer service Huseby is known for. With the collaboration and teamwork of all members of both Billing and Marketing there is a high level of confidence we will achieve the goal of getting the billing backlog down to zero!

What's New in Digital/Remote Depositions
Key Takeaways:
1) Successfully covered legal proceedings both in-person and remote in Georgia
2) Trial Kit development completed
3) Departmental cross-training and merge of RD & DR departments completed
Exciting Upcoming Projects:
1) Coverage of legal proceedings in Tennessee
2) Preparation for coverage of trials with a Digital solution beginning in January 2024
3) Fulfillment of positions in key expansion territories (NY, IL, TN, CT)
Shout Out:
Kenzie Massengale- Kenzie is the first member of the original RD team to successfully pass the AAERT exam. Kenzie will soon be ready to take work in TN and will be key in our expansion efforts. Thanks Kenzie for taking the initiative on this and helping us get a foothold in the state of TN!
Robin Visiting the California Team
Pictured: Cindy Lengkong, Lori Noonan, Robin Needle, Pam (Robin's daughter), Alex Gomez and Mauricio Haro.

Steve Huseby put in a Kudos for Amanda Potter, Cecilia Uribe and Diomaris Gonzalez
Kudos to Amanda Potter and the folks on this email thread for the amazing job they did on one of the top 3 hardest cases I’ve ever had? Huseby has the most amazing support staff. And kudos to Joye too for orchestrating an incredible RealTeam crew that was at times 3 RealTeam scopists and a proofreader logged in to my RT transcript for a record setting I think in my career 439 pages in yesterday’s testimony (plus 300 pages the day before yesterday and 300 the day before that).
Debra Neidefer in a Kudos for Dan Bender
Kudos Dan Bender for taking the time to give hotseater demos to 4 defense witnesses in a big case we are handling for Fenwick. The requests came in rapid fire as the depositions were being set and Dan was quick to respond and assist!
Paul Withrow put in a Kudos for Amanda Potter
Big Kudos to Amanda Potter for taking good care of this good (lucrative) client and their urgent requests during an ongoing Arbitration. Even at the busiest of times, Amanda is always responsive and provides clients with the best possible customer service.
From: Dimarco, Shelli
Subject: RE: Urgent Request - Job 460007-460008
Thanks! That was fast!
Shelli Dimarco | Holland & Knight
Practice Assistant
Holland & Knight LLP