Welcome to Huseby Talk
January 2024 Newsletter Edition
What's New in Technology
Salesforce and NetSuite got several major enhancements and quite a few fixes. We pushed out a new COD process that covers the full lifecycle, and one of our key players said “The wait was worth it” 😊 We also got enhancements and fixes into production to allow us to mark standing orders as active/inactive and filter by that status, make sure information is pushed to all witnesses and linked orders/work orders when changes are made at the originating order, add work orders to an existing order to help with our Digital Reporter jobs, and a ton of fixes.
We’ve begun reviewing the priority requests that we’ll be implementing over the next few months, have selected high-impact enhancements that will help every step of our business lifecycle, and have gotten resources in place to implement them this quarter. We’ll be sure to let you know as we make progress on them.
Another key focus for this quarter is helping our teammates from DEG and G&F get up to speed on Salesforce and NetSuite so that they’re fully in production by March 1. Thanks for anything you can do to help those folks as they get more familiar with the systems!
We got the enhanced realtime and new voice-to-text features into full production with improved performance this month, and we’re getting some nice feedback from customers. The Northeast/Central team got over 50% of the December remote jobs scheduled on HusebyConnect. We’ve got another LAT coming up to speed with that this month, and our plan is to have the majority of our remote jobs in all LATs on HusebyConnect by the end of first quarter.
As a reminder, we’ve started using HusebyConnect as a tool for internal discussions and meetings, too. Please feel free to look for ways to use it for your key projects—having a video recording with a live transcript feed with each speaker’s name and the ability to enter comments can be a valuable tool!
To support all of this, the HusebyConnect development team continues to deliver enhancements to voice-to-text and overall performance and functionality, as well as new usability and management features.
Our plan to replace outdated equipment is moving along nicely. We have a schedule for replacing gear based on how old it is and how long it’s been in service. When it’s time to replace your equipment, we’ll reach out to you and help you get the new equipment up and running. As we told you last month, we’re also in the midst of moving the DEG team’s servers to our Lunavi data center, improving the security, stability, and performance of those servers and making it much easier to service them. We’re on the last few steps for that now and on track to have them in production this month.
From a security perspective, we’ve completed several significant projects to improve our infrastructure, policies, and procedures to better protect our customers’ data, our business data, and our personal working environments. These projects and the reviews we’ve completed are a competitive differentiator for us—there are very few other businesses in our industry whose security is as strong as ours. Thank you all for everything you have been doing to keep us secure!
What's New in Operations
Production Update: Last month (December) we shipped 1965 jobs. That includes 269 Expedites.
Elizabeth Moore lead all production people with 200 jobs shipped through Salesforce. Thanks for leading the way Elizabeth!!!!
Quality update: December had 19 redo work orders out of 1965 shipped or .97% of what we shipped.
15 reporter/transcription transcript issues
2 production mistakes. 1 on a header, and one on contact information in system
1 late confidential designation request
1 late file of exhibits
Case Management: New team member Lisa Panella added to the team to focus on Tobacco work. This will expand our capacity for handling more high value cases. We currently have one case going international with depos taken place in the UK.
Salesforce Issue update: In January we identified 23 issues (In Production). Some critical most not. 6 of those items have already been resolved and tested. After consolidating all open production issues we have 111 waiting on resolution.

Meet Our Newest Sales Rep - Amber Cantero
I`m Amber, a Tampa native with a strong background in the legal support industry, spanning over 7 years of experience. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with various service lines within the litigation lifecycle, gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of the legal world. What has truly fueled my passion in this field is not only the knowledge I`ve acquired, but also the relationships I`ve built with the amazing individuals who make up the legal community.
In addition to my professional pursuits, my personal life is equally fulfilling. I share my home with my boyfriend and our fur kids, Lupita and Quinn. My family and friends are an integral part of my life here as well and who I spend most of my time with. I love to explore, whether it's trying out the diverse culinary offerings of the city's new restaurants or unwinding at the nearby beach. Staying active, browsing local markets, and thrift shopping, or simply losing myself in the pages of a book are some of the ways I enjoy my personal time.
What's New in Sales
Top Performing Sales Reps
Here are the top performing reps across the country for December.
Sales Rep | % of Goal |
Lauren Shaw | 207% |
Mark Poelzer |
181% |
Donna Hoffman |
165% |
Robin Barca | 159% |
Diana Hayhurst |
148% |
Lauren Ladenheim |
143% |
Mauricio Haro |
106% |
Ana Carroll |
105% |
Paul Withrow |
105% |
Jessica Hutto |
104% |
Lynette Reynolds |
104% |
$200k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $200k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Lauren Shaw |
$218,221 |
$100k Club
Here are the reps across the country that topped $100k in Gross Profit.
Sales Rep | Gross Profit ($) |
Jessica Hutto | $160,198 |
Lauren Ladenheim |
$151,032 |
Robin Barca | $137,718 |
Cindy Lengkong | $121,800 |
Donna Hoffman | $118,892 |
Debra Neiderfer | $118,310 |
Ana Carroll | $111,135 |

What's New in HR/Admin
Welcome our new team members to Huseby!
Andres Alvarado (Production)
Maggie Kamara (Sales)
Ryan LaMar (Controller)
Audrey Owens (Credit)
John Sheffield (Digital)
Emily Shuster (Digital)
Below are team members no longer with Huseby. We wish them the best in their new endeavors.
Jared Chrisman
Sarah McCooey
Lynnette Reynolds
Kennedy Richardson
What's New in Billing
Twas the day before New Year’s:
Twas the day before the new year and all through the town
All the billers were celebrating the backlog was down.
It started so daunting, over 900 strong.
But in the end, the whole thing was gone.
It took a team effort, billing, marketing and more.
It took so much time, days, nights and weekends galore.
So a big shoutout to all who joined the fight,
And killed the billing backlog with all of their might.

What's New in the Digital Team
Key Takeaways:
- Hired on 6 new members to the team in key areas (Florida, California, Illinois, and NY)
- Covered multiple trials between Tennessee and Georgia with outstanding results
- Team-wide audit procedure implemented to ensure we are delivering on the highest quality standards for our clients
On the Horizon:
- Prepare to start covering work in California
- Coverage of jury trials in key targeted geographies
- Completion of training and certifications for our new members of the team
- Kenzie Massengale did an amazing job her first trial she covered in Memphis. The transcript came out great and in addition, the attorneys and Judge really loved her.
- Our newest recruits John Sheffield and Emily Shuster were put on last minute video jobs this week. From just starting training early this month to already covering video work without a hitch, it is amazing to see. Truly shows the up-and-coming talent that has joined the team. We are excited to have them!
- Jessica Urrutia and Delina Nguyen have been amazing during the training over the last month. They have been a great resource for our new team members by answering questions on training, equipment, etc., and going above and beyond on executing
- Lacey James has been putting in phenomenal work. Lacey ensures that our team's transcripts come out as perfect as possible. That being said, the trial transcripts have been impeccable. Great work Lacey!
CLE & Solidarity Awards
Karyn Polak sponsored the CLE & Solidarity Awards in Chicago recently, providing for a great networking opportunity!

Bob Brueno put in a Kudos for Karyn Polak
From: Valerie Dunston
Subject: VD & K&M
Dear Karyn, I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. When you were moving companies back then (from Atkinson Baker to Huseby, years ago in Chi? J), Greg Moss (aka our Zeus J) questioned me and I said we’re staying with Karyn, non-negotiable, and you deliver every time, as we speak now, and I appreciate your support and hope you have a Happy New Year!
Valeriya Dunston
Attorney at Law
Krohn & Moss, Ltd.
Debra Neiderfer put in a Kudos for Emily Grottle
Above and Beyond! Our first reinsurance Organizational Meeting for a big case came in. Reinsurance has its own language. Terms, acronyms. Emily Grottle took it upon herself to find something on the internet with all of the highly specialized terms and acronyms to give to the reporter in advance. This would never happen at my prior company. Go Emily Grottle Go!! It is what sets this winning team apart!
Lauren Ladenheim put in a Kudos for Esmo James
Big Kudos for Esmo for the extremely quick turnaround time for an urgent sync’ request for trial. Thanks for your hard work!
From: Shawn Deans
Subject: RE: HensonFuerst - Video Sync Request (Case #295540)
Wow. Amazing turnaround! I have downloaded the files and confirmed the synchronization. Many thanks.
Shawn Deans, IT Director
Henson Fuerst
Brad Wickard put in a Kudos for Marilyn Fil
Great job on Live Chat making it easy for clients to schedule!
Marilyn 03:29:34 pm
My colleagues on our Calendar team will forward an updated scheduling confirmation to you. Would you like it emailed to beth@ervinlawnc.com?
Beth Dimenstein 03:30:41 pm
yes please
Y'all are sooooo easy to work with and I appreciate it
Beth Dimenstein
Ervin Law PLLC