A Coffee Chat Conversation
Huseby’s Court Reporter Coffee Chats offer a forum to connect, ask questions, and share tips and knowledge. Recently, a question arose about working with legal videographers.
While the videographer creates evidence of the deposition, the Court Reporter creates the official record. Many questions arose about how to complement the transcript and the video:
- Some Court Reporters collaborate with a videographer. Others work separately.
- Does the Court Reporter have to give the videographer a copy of the transcript and visa versa?
- Who is responsible for the videotape after the deposition is done?
- How about making copies?
- What about a real-time feed?
Just to name a few questions. It all depends. It becomes even more challenging with the workings of going on or off the record. What is clear is that exhibits are part of the official record and fall under the care of the Court Reporter. No matter how it is looked at – both record-makers are responsible for their own record.
Your feedback is always welcome! If you have any topics you’d like to chat about, stop by Huseby’s monthly coffee chat or click the button below.

9 a.m.
Last Tuesday of Every Month
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