At Your Service

Ana Carroll
Regional Account Manager
For Ana, “success is a happy loving family with good friends and a great support system.”
Thanks to an old roommate, that’s how she made the jump from aviation into court reporting during an economic downturn.
With the support of her husband and seven-year-old son by her side -- not to mention dogs Hank and Aaron – she has been in court reporting 11 years now. (In fact, their son can hardly wait to work at Huseby when he gets older.)
Ana finds meeting new people and learning more about others’ interests to be the best part of her role.
Using her creative talents, she creates special moments for others every day.
“The days are long but the years are short. Enjoy life and be memorable.” That’s perhaps the best advice Ana has ever been given. And that’s what Ana does.

Michelle Holbrook
Scheduling Coordinator & Resource Specialist
In this season of giving, Michelle doesn’t need the holiday season to deliver good cheer. As the saying goes – a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Michelle always makes herself available to assist Huseby colleagues no matter how busy she is. So, it comes as little surprise that Michelle shares her time and talents throughout the year to enrich the lives of those in the community. Michelle has served as a volunteer firefighter, organized fundraisers and family nights, and coordinated community projects.
No role, however, has had more impact than focusing on adoptions as a North Carolina licensed foster parent (with her husband). They not only adopted two severely abused children (now ages 5 and 15), but run county-wide, trauma training classes for foster parents.
Without doubt, what Michelle gives and continues to give is much appreciated now and even more in future years.

Lacey James
Technical Support Specialist / Remote Events
If Huseby had a rock star, it would be Lacey. She serves as a Technical Support Specialist on Huseby’s Remote Events team and is anything but remote.
Just ask Regional Account Manager Jessica Hutto who recently recognized Lacey for playing a big role in making a huge case successful.
“Lacey James has been a rock star presenting exhibits to all the remote attendees,“ wrote Jessica. “Everyone knows her by name and they love her.”
Little known fact: Lacey was a singer who performed a music video covering "Someone Like You" by Adele.
So, becoming a Video Technician at Huseby was a natural transition. Other little-known facts: Lacey not only started her Huseby career as a Billing Specialist but was in the starlight as a nanny for 15 years.
Now that’s superstardom!
What’s So Special About the Name Harvey?
“Battle worthy,” “blazing iron,” and “capable of inspiring great endurance and resilience.” Does this sound like the qualities of a Court Reporter? If so, it is little wonder that the two Harveys below became court reporters and famous in the entertainment industry.
One Harvey found court reporting to be easy and worked as a court reporter in New York City for several years before becoming an actor. Films include: The Piano, Thelma and Louise, Taxi Driver, and The Last Godfather – to name a few.
Another Harvey became a full-fledged stenographer when he was left with no job. (The pop music group he formed disbanded.) He eventually returned to the recording studio and became widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in pop music history. After spending three decades in semi-retirement, he returned to the courthouse – this time as a convicted murderer.

QUESTION: "Did he pick the dog up by the ears?"
QUESTION: "What was he doing with the dog's ears?"
ANSWER: "Picking them up in the air."
QUESTION: "Where was the dog at this time?"
ANSWER: "Attached to the ears."
QUESTION: “Mr. Jones, is your appearance this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?”
WITNESS: “No. This is how I dress when I go to work.”
QUESTION: “What happened then?”
ANSWER: “He told me, he says, ‘I have to kill you because you can identify me.’”
QUESTION: “Did he kill you?”
QUESTION: “What did the doctor tell you was the condition of the body when he performed the autopsy?”
ANSWER: “He described it as dead.”
Source: https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/courtroom.quips.en.html