Bring Your Case to Life: 2D Illustration v. 3D Animation
Trying a case in court is very costly and can take years to go to trial. So is it worth spending time and a portion of your budget on graphics, illustrations, and 3D animation? The answer is unequivocally, yes.
Graphics and animation will help improve information retention of your audience. One of the easiest ways to ensure your audience stores information in their long-term memory is to pair complex concepts with meaningful images. For example, breaking down complicated technologies, processes, or the inner workings of an invention into digestible and understandable pieces of information will help them grasp the concept and assimilate your arguments.

Construction Animation: 2D to 3D
One of the best ways to illustrate a 2D blueprint is to make it 3D. Creating a 3D model of a building allows the viewer to go inside a structure/building—so judge and jury are able to visualize the occurrence or matter in question precisely, even from multiple angles. You can also utilize video to show complex depictions of events or structures, seamlessly. Graphics can show what literally would otherwise be impossible to view. Use them to illustrate moving inside a building or structure, through walls, and into substructures and other internal features (such as pipes, walls, or brick). Learn More>>

Patent Animation: 2D vs. 3D
3D animation of a patent drawing allows you to bring a patent to life on a much larger scale than what can be accomplished in 2D, using PowerPoint. Employing a 3D model allows you to show your audience how the device operates, creating color and shading, rotating the device to show various angles, and removing outer layers and zooming into the inner workings of the invention. Learn More>>

Pharmaceutical Animation: 2D to 3D
3D medical or pharmaceutical animations can bring to life components of the human body that cannot be seen to the naked eye. Employing a 3D model allows you to show complex concepts such as how a chemical compound is formed (left). 3D models are made using 3D software and the .MP4 output file can be added to a PowerPoint slide. 3D animation is laborious, involves preparation, and is time-consuming because of the rendering time involved. It requires your designer to work closely with your experts to ensure the model is accurate and to scale, so it will hold up in court. Learn More>>