Using Huseby’s Hotseaters at Trial: Advantages at Every Stage
Earn more by becoming a Huseby Affiliate.
It pays to participate.

What is the affiliate program?
The affiliate program provides a unique way for you to earn more. Our reporters are our biggest asset and you spend more time in front of our clients and prospective clients than anyone. Our goal has been to develop a program for reporters to pass leads and valuable prospective client information to us. In turn, we want to reward you for those leads and referrals.
The Affiliate Program is simple, refer us a job or a lead that turns into a job, anywhere in the country and you earn more.
Program Benefits
- $100 paid for every referral/lead billed
- 2.5% page rate increase bonus after 3 referrals/leads billed
- 5% page rate increase bonus after 5 referrals/leads billed
- 7.5% page rate increase bonus after 7 referrals/leads billed
- 10% page rate increase bonus after 10 referrals/leads billed
From the date you achieve a bonus level, you receive the page rate increase bonus for the remainder of the calendar year on any jobs you are assigned. At the end of the calendar year bonus levels reset to your standard page rate.
If you have any questions, please send an email to
Working with Huseby
Sign-up to be an Affiliate:
It is quick and easy to sign-up and start earning.
Submit a Lead:
It is easy to submit a lead. Click the link below and fill out the form. Once the lead form is submitted, a sales team member will reach out to you and let you know if you have a qualified lead. A qualified lead is a new client that has not scheduled with Huseby or a Huseby company in the last 12 months.
Learn More:
The affiliate program is available throughout the United States. Sign-up to join the program or learn more.
A Frequently Asked Questions section will be coming soon...
The Huseby Journal
The Huseby Journal
Need a Deposition Location? Huseby Has You Covered Nationwide
Foley & Lardner
Morgan & Morgan
Wilkes & McHugh
Hernandez & Paglia LLP, California
Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial
Greene, Broilet & Wheeler, LLP - Santa Monica, California
County Government
Burkhalter Law
Blasingame, Burch, Garrard, Ashley P.C.
Werner Law