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The Huseby Journal

Airplane II: Simplifying a Confusing Set of Events for the Jury

If you’re familiar with the classic film Airplane II (starring Robert Hays, William Shatner, and Lloyd Bridges), you know it’s a masterclass in comedic chaos—not just in the skies but also in the courtroom. One scene that particularly stands out involves a prosecutor and a witness getting tangled in a web of confusion as they try to recount who was whom on a plane flight during the war. It’s a brilliant, if not absurd, depiction of how easily things can go awry when communication breaks down.

But what does this have to do with the courtroom? Our Digital Evidence Group (DEG) often sees a similar type of confusion when demonstratives aren’t designed with clarity in mind. Just like in the movie, a poorly crafted visual can leave jurors scratching their heads rather than understanding the point you're trying to make. This is why thoughtful design is crucial for making complex events crystal clear to both the judge and jury.

Take, for instance, the following graphic that our DEG team created. It’s an example of how a demonstrative can initially appear confusing or muddled. However, with the right adjustments and a focus on clarity, even the most perplexing set of events can be made comprehensible.

Original Graphic, Before ReDUX:

Airplane II Before Photo

To see this in action: click here or below to watch a hilarious clip from Airplane II, and learn how the same principles can be applied to improve courtroom demonstratives.

And for more insights on creating effective demonstratives, check out our Trial Demonstratives page.

Watch the clip from Airplane II here >>

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Next Level Trial Presentation

“...Definitely our go-to hot seat/graphics team going forward. You do excellent work. We'll keep you updated as our current ITC cases progress."   —Nixon Peabody, LLP

Huseby is a valuable asset on any trial team. With a track record of aiding leading trial teams in securing over $4 billion in jury awards and favorable settlements, we are equipped to seamlessly integrate with your team, and provide you with the support, preparation, and expertise that helps you win.


In today’s multimedia world, you need demonstratives that count. We’ll apply expert design, best-in-class technology, and the latest research to ensure your graphics and demonstratives stand out and tell your story.

  • 2D graphics
  • Animations
  • 3D modeling and printing
  • Custom medical illustrations
  • Timelines

For some example best-in-class demonstrative, including patent illustrations and animations, pharmaceutical illustrations, construction animations and timelines:

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Trial Technology and Support

Remove the stress of your trial presentation with a Huseby "hotseater." Our Hotseaters bring over 20+ years of experience to your trial team. In trial, we stay a step ahead, allowing you to focus on the judge, the jury and the witness, while we are your eyes in the courtroom.

  • Pre-trial prep.
  • Equipment management
  • Court room & trial presentation support

To learn more or request a trial technology consultation, click below:

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