Common Questions Answered: Remote Events with Huseby
One of the most common questions when setting up remote events is "where will I find my remote event link?" and "what should I look for?" Here's how HusebyConnect simplifies keeping up with links and joining your event:
1. An automated email invitation from HusebyConnect to all parties includes your direct link into the event.
2. No need to manage multiple links for Zoom and Exhibits—HusebyConnect integrates both into one platform.
3. Witness or opposing counsel have direct links into the event, without the need to set up an account or worrying about logging in on the day of the event.
4. Email invitation includes a Calendar v-Cal, to add directly to your Outlook calendar. The calendar invitation includes a direct link into the event for all participants.
5. If an event is rescheduled, an updated invitation is automatically sent to all participants to update Outlook Calendars. No need to figure out which link to use to access the event.
As a bonus: Counsel can invite the witness directly from HusebyConnect. As an example: if they would prefer to not give out a witness' contact information.
To see these enhancements in action, and to learn more click here!